True North seeking person who flew Nazi flag at Freedom Convoy
The Freedom Convoy has arrived in Ottawa, and their positive and hopeful message has inspired freedom-loving people all over the world.
Unfortunately, much of the legacy media coverage has not focused on the optimistic story about the truckers, the groundswell of support they received and the many communities across Canada who have united and rallied behind their cause. Instead, the media has chosen to focus on two or three men flying egregious flags.
Two or three men flying racist flags should not taint an entire movement. But actual Nazis should be named, shamed and driven out of the Freedom Convoy movement. We need to know who these individuals are and why they are trying to harm the reputation of hard-working Canadians using their democratic right to hold a peaceful protest.
I decided to put it to the tens of thousands of independent journalists in Ottawa – the men and women who are present at the Freedom Convoy – to see if anyone could help me identify these individuals.