California’s Governor Newsom Introduces “Cradle to Career” System That Tracks One Billion Data Points on Citizens

For anyone who’s paid even a little attention to the political goings-on (and fiascos of varied kinds) in California’s political landscape these last years – the mere fact that the state’s governor is still one Gavin Newsom is a story worth telling, all in and of itself.

But, since Newsom is still there, he seems to be determined to make “the best” of his controversial, to say the least, time in office. And this thing is quite something – apparently inspired by a trip to China, and, apparently, focused on bringing some version of the feared and loathed (among freedom-lovers) “social credit system” to his, otherwise, Golden State.

But maybe “gold” isn’t a figurative, but rather literal reference – to money? And whoever has more power and control over the population, surely is bound to make more money.

Newsom calls his proposal “Cradle to Career” (“Cradle to Grave” would have been a little on the nose, his PR people no doubt alerted him).