COVID vax: Some batches increase your all-cause mortality by 9X or more.
Batch analysis of the Czech Republic data comparing 1-year post-shot all-cause mortality rates shows some batches are 3X deadlier than other batches from the same manufacturer when given at the same time to the same age 5-year age group.
And a Moderna batch can be 8X or more deadlier than a Pfizer batch given at the same time to the same age group.
This cannot happen if the vaccines are safe.
Replicating the analysis
You can generate the csv file with the batch analysis (vax_4.csv) by cloning the Github repo, going to the code directory and typing “make vax.”
If you just want to work with the data without regenerating it from the source, you can download the vax_4.xlsx file here.
Feel free to analyze the data and publish your own analysis.
Over a 9X increase in all-cause mortality across brands
Whenever you do batch analysis, the fairest way is to compare the one year mortality rate between batches given in the same month to the same 5 year age range. This minimizes confounders.
For example, let’s look at all the Pfizer and Moderna batches given to more than 100 people in February 2021 aged 70-74 and compute the 1 year mortality from the time of the shot.